Recruitment and selection is particularly important for companies, as non-professional selection is costly. It is important to manage data quickly and efficiently, to systematize it.
Process automation is an important part of every business, so tools based on new technologies are essential. On 5th May 2021 a remote seminar was held, which was intended for everyone who is interested in changing Alga HR with
Different Staff Processes and Their Management in the Single Profit-Web® System
On 17th March, 2021 a remote seminar was held for users of the Salary and Staff Management System Alga HR, Profit-Web systems.
Information and information systems have become a strategic asset that must be protected, just like any other property that is important for the operation of the company or institution.
The Profit-Web personnel and payroll management and accounting system is focused on integration with financial accounting systems, which must report to the relevant state tax systems during specified periods and integrate with their used third-party systems, therefore all operations performed by the Profit-Web personnel and payroll management and accounting system are measured, recorded and saved in financial periods.
Pursuant to the Order of the Chief State Labour Inspector of the Republic of Lithuania of 26 January 2021 No. EV-25 "On the Notification of Announced Outages...
Global development of digital economy on the basis of information technologies also results in an extensive development of new business models
HRMS and Payroll Profit-Web Process Owner: HR Department Process Type: fully automated Process...